Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 9

I've managed some productivity here; no more old spices!  Now we can find what we use more easily.  I've also cleaned a cupboard and cleaned the empty freezer.  What a mess!  Sorted photos too, both prints and virtual.  It gets so complicated--what's printed, what's not, and did I already put that in a scrapbook?  I'll work on that last question tomorrow.  Bad news today from the contractor; when he started repair on a wall downstairs, he found evidence of major water damage, as daylight was evident.  The patio door frame needs to be replaced, and the floor joist downstairs needs to be repaired, and then of course, the downstairs wall can be repaired.  I shudder to think what else will be discovered (like the deck is shot, perhaps).

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8

spent time on laptop looking for inspiration for baby album.  Light bulb moment—don’t draw sketches of pages seen online, take pictures instead!  Brilliant!

Day 6

Oh my goodness, this candy is so delicious!  I’m glad it’s not “right up front” year round; I’d be done for.

day 5

Off photo duty for a few days, so here we go.  This lovely orange album is going to be filled with pages and pages of pictures of my beautiful granddaughter.  Today was an all-day crop, much of which was spent organizing and planning, but that’s ok, it’s all part of the process.  And being here made it easier to accomplish this part of it.  Next crop will be more production, but first, I must print/sort photos.  There are sooooo many!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

christmas boxes day 3

Christmas all packed up.  I think it needs to stay upstairs, as the walls are being repaired downstairs, starting tomorrow.  I need to clear things up down there, not add more to the piles!  I need to pack up the tree still, and also prep for my long awaited all day crop, with a bonus session tomorrow night.  Photos to sort, supplies to select and stuff!
I'm thinking about signing up for Get Organized Wizard, an online organizing system.  Too bad I can't go there and sign up for someone to come and do it for me!  I know I need help, especially as my schedule for the next 11 weeks or so is particularly difficult.  Practicum begins 1/14, and I must complete 150 hours by 5/5.  I really want a weekend away in February, but can't see how it can be accomplished with the demands of this course.  We'll see.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

princess luna day 2

 The new t-shirt, Princess Luna, worn by her biggest fan.  We bought the t-shirt weeks ago during a visit to Hot Topic, one of our favorite stores in the mall. I stashed the shirt, then wrapped it up for under the tree when the time came.  Em liked being in the know about her gifts--she said it helped her avoid the post-Christmas morning let down--and it made shopping ever so much easier for moi!
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